When the Creator created human beings, He created them with all the necessary things for human life. Plants are one of the many things that creator has created for human beings and some plants are serving our world as medicines that can cure many diseases and are the source of many medicines.< /p>

Today we will be looking at Calendula among the many plants that are serving as medicinal and sources of medicine.



Calendula is a genus of herbaceous plants with about 15–20 annuals and thrives in almost any soil but can typically be found in Europe, Western Asia,  the United States and  Mediterranean.. It belongs to the same family as daisies, chrysanthemums, and ragweed. It is commonly known as   marigolds, Calendule, English Garden Marigold, Scotch Marigold, Fleur de Calendule and has long been used for its skin health benefits, such as helping with wound healing. Its branching stems grow to a height of 30 to 60 cm, and it blooms from early spring until frost. The plant is  beautiful, deeply rich colored orange and yellow petals of the flowers are used for medicine.

Calendula petals are rich in naturally occurring compounds called Flavonoids. These compounds are said to have anti-inflammatory, anti-thrombogenic, ant diabetic, anticancer, and neur protective effects.

Scientific Specification

                        Scientific name: Calendula
                         Superior classification: Calenduleae
                         Level: Type
                         Family: Asteraceae
                         Kingdom: Plantae
                         Order: Asterales

Benefit from calendula

Calendula is the best known medicinal plants many health benefits. Among benefit of calendula plants:- 

  • Traditionally, calendula has been used to treat stomach upset and ulcers, as well as relieve menstrual cramps, but there is no scientific evidence that calendula works for these problems. Today, calendula is often used topically, meaning it is applied to the skin.
  • Calendula can be used to alleviate many skin conditions that can cause dry, itchy or irritated areas. Skin experiences symptoms of eczema, gout, and dandruff and reduce soothe irritation.  By increasing the production of collagen, an important protein for skin radiance, Calendula helps to sustain calm, hydrated skin
  • The flowers of this plant are used to make medicines and are used to prevent muscle cramps, initiate menstruation, and reduce hot flashes.
  • It is also used to treat sore throat and mouth, menstrual cramps, cancer, and stomach and duodenal ulcers.
  • Dried flowers of the calendula plant are used in tinctures, ointments and baths to treat burns, wounds and cuts, as well as minor infections caused by them. Calendula has also been shown in studies to help prevent skin rashes or skin inflammation in people with breast cancer during radiation therapy.
  • Calendula has been shown to help wounds heal faster, possibly by increasing blood flow and oxygen to the affected area, which helps the body grow new tissue. It is also used to improve skin hydration and firmness.
  • Calendula extracts are blessed with several B vitamins, vital minerals and antioxidants that foster the growth of thick hair. Massaging the scalp with calendula oil stimulates the hair roots or follicles and ensures the growth of robust, dense and silky tresses
  • Calendula is also known to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant components, which might help to fight cancer, protect against heart disease, and ease muscle fatigue.
  • At a relatively high dose, calendula can lower blood pressure and cholesterol.
  • Drinking calendula tea is reported to help heal gastric ulcers, congested lymph nodes and sore throat. It can potentially help break a fever by causing a sweat. Dosage is no more than 2 to 3 cups per day. (Not for pregnant women since it can stimulate menstruation.
  • Calendula promotes healing both internally and externally. It helps to detoxify the liver, reduce lymphatic congestion and reduce inflammation in the digestive system. Calendula can help to heal the gut lining and treat gastrointestinal ulcers.
  • Studies in animals have shown that calendula might help with wound healing.

What are the side effects of calendula?

As many benefits calendula have a few side effects. Some of the side effects of the plant can include:-

  • Drowsiness and slowed breathing.
  • Some medications, called sedatives, 
  • Can also cause drowsiness and slow breathing.
  • Taking calendula with sedatives can cause breathing problems and/or excessive drowsiness.
  • Calendula is considered a non-toxic plant, but it should not be used in pregnancy since some of its constituents may cause or promote uterine contractions.
  • It might not be safe for you to use calendula if it could affect your medications or make complications from surgery more likely to happen.

Available Forms

  • Fresh or dried calendula petals are available in tinctures, liquid extracts, infusions, ointments, and creams.
  • Calendula products should always be protected from light and moisture, and should not be used after 3 years of storage.

How to Take It


  • Use only topical and homeopathic preparations for children.
  • For homeopathic dosages, consult a licensed homeopath.


  • Speak to your doctor regarding dosing instructions.


Calendula is touted as having anti-inflammatory properties that could help with skin conditions and wound healing. Calendula can be added to lotions and balms, made into teas and oils, and used as a garnish. You can buy products made with calendula or grow your own at home and dry it yourself.

Calendula is not approved by the FDA. You should always ask your provider before you use any kind of natural supplement, even a "natural" one that comes from plants. If you're allergic to ragweed, daisies, marigold, or plants in the Asteraceae/ Compositae family, you shouldn't use calendula. You also should not use calendula if you're pregnant or breastfeeding.

Dear readers, how much do you know about this amazing plant and its health benefits?Please let us know what you think!

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