The world we live in is so vast that our lives today as a continent, country and region have caused us to have different cultures, languages and characteristics. Although the differences in culture, character and language have made this planet attractive and beloved, we have been missing this great joy by not seeing this attractive beauty that the Creator has given us. 

However, due to the rapid development of science and technology, the world is coming to one neighborhood. As a result, we have started to watch what is happening on another planet directly at the moment. 

The Dachee oro App teaches you how to maintain your body weight, what kind of balanced foods to use in your daily diet and Medical plants we can use in our food. Additionally, the Dachee Oro App provides you with information about the amazing things that are happening in our world every day, the scientific and technological discoveries that are made every day to make our lives easier, and the development of science and technology applications that are being developed. 

It is also a free software tutorial website to train others in digital technology needs, engineering software and more. Follow us on our website for daily updates.

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