
Carbohaydrate is a biomolecule consisting of carbon (C), hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O) atoms, usually with a hydrogen–oxygen atom ratio of 2:1 (as in water) and thus with the empirical formula Cm(H2O)n (where m may or may not be different from n). However, not all carbohydrates conform to this precise stoichiometric definition (e.g., uronic acids, deoxy-sugars such as fucose), nor are all chemicals that do conform to this definition automatically classified as carbohydrates (e.g. formaldehyde and acetic acid).They are also known as saccharides or carbs, provide energy for the body. Each gram of carbohydrates provides 4 calories.

Carbohydrates perform numerous roles in living organisms. Polysaccharides serve as an energy store (e.g. starch and glycogen) and as structural components (e.g. cellulose in plants and chitin in arthropods). The 5-carbon monosaccharide ribose is an important component of coenzymes (e.g. ATP, FAD and NAD) and the backbone of the genetic molecule known as RNA. The related deoxyribose is a component of DNA. Saccharides and their derivatives include many other important biomolecules that play key roles in the immune system, fertilization, preventing pathogenesis, blood clotting, and development.

Carbohydrate Chemical structure

Carbohydrates are one of three macronutrients - along with proteins and fats - that your body requires daily. There are three main types of carbohydrates: starches, fiber, and sugars. Starches are often referred to as complex carbohydrates. They are found in grains legumes and starchy vegetables like potatoes and corn. Sugars are known as simple carbohydrates. There are natural sugars in vegetables, fruits, milk, and honey. Added sugars are found in processed foods, syrups, sugary drinks, and sweets. They are your body's main source of energy: They help fuel your brain, kidneys, heart muscles, and central nervous system. For instance, fiber is a carbohydrate that aids in digestion, helps you feel full, and keeps blood cholesterol levels in check.

Carbohydrates are central to nutrition and are found in a wide variety of natural and processed foods. Starch is a polysaccharide and is abundant in cereals (wheat, maize, rice), potatoes, and processed food based on cereal flour, such as bread, pizza or pasta. Sugars appear in human diet mainly as table sugar (sucrose, extracted from sugarcane or sugar beets), lactose (abundant in milk), glucose and fructose, both of which occur naturally in honey, many fruits, and some vegetables. Table sugar, milk, or honey are often added to drinks and many prepared foods such as jam, biscuits and cakes.

 Benefits of carbohydrates

Though there are many benefits of carbohydrates, you need to make sure you're eating them in moderation. A carbohydrate-intensive diet can cause high blood sugar and unwanted weight gain. But it's important that you eat an appropriate amount of healthy carbohydrates in order to meet your body's nutritional needs and maintain a healthy weight.

What are the different types of carbohydrates?

There are three main types of carbohydrates:

  Sugars. They are also called simple carbohydrates because they are in the most basic form . They can be added to foods, such as the sugar in candy, desserts, processed foods, and regular soda. They also include the kinds of sugar that are found naturally in fruits, vegetables, and milk.

Starches. They are complex carbohydrates, which are made of lots of simple sugars strung together. Your body neids to break starches down into sugars to use them for energy. Starches include bread, cereal, and pasta. They also include certain vegetables, like potatoes, peas, and corn.

Fiber. It is also a complex carbohydrate. Your body cannot break down most fibers, so eating foods with fiber can help you feel full and make you less likely to overeat. Diets high in fiber have other health benefits. They may help prevent stomach or intestinal problems, such as constipation. They may also help lower cholesterol and blood sugar. Fiber is found in many foods that come from plants, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans, and whole grains.

Carbohydrates quality matters

What’s most important is the type of carbohydrate you choose to eat because some sources are healthier than others. The amount of carbohydrate in the diet – high or low – is less important than the type of carbohydrate in the diet. For example, healthy, whole grains such as whole wheat bread, rye, barley and quinoa are better choices than highly refined white bread or French fries. Many people are confused about carbohydrates, but keep in mind that it’s more important to eat carbohydrates from healthy foods than to follow a strict diet limiting or counting the number of grams of carbohydrates consumed.

What if you have diabetes?

If you have diabetes, you should see a doctor or dietitian who can help you plan meals to control your blood sugar. Though your daily carbohydrate requirements are the same as those for someone without diabetes, it's important to avoid eating too many carbohydrates in one sitting. The American Diabetes Association suggests you should limit your intake to about 45 to 60 grams of carbohydrates at each meal.

What’s most important is the type of carbohydrate you choose to eat because some sources are healthier than others. The amount of carbohydrate in the diet – high or low – is less important than the type of carbohydrate in the diet. For example, healthy, whole grains such as whole wheat bread, rye, barley and quinoa are better choices than highly refined white bread or French fries. 

Many people are confused about carbohydrates, but keep in mind that it’s more important to eat carbohydrates from healthy foods than to follow a strict diet limiting or counting the number of grams of carbohydrates consumed.

Can carbohydrates lead to diabetes?

After a meal, the body breaks carbohydrates down into glucose, causing blood sugar levels to increase. This causes the pancreas to produce insulin, a hormone that allows the body’s cells to use this sugar for energy or storage. Over time, repeated spikes in blood sugar levels can damage the cells that make insulin, wearing them out. Eventually, the body may stop producing insulin, or may not be able to use it properly. This is known as insulin resistance.

Eating carbohydrates or sugars alone does not cause diabetes. Carbohydrates are an important source of nutrients in most diets. Carbohydrates are an important source of energy for the body. Some types are more healthful than others. For instance, dietary fiber is a carbohydrate that protects heart and gut health, whereas added sugars can lead to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and overweight. Following a well-balanced diet that includes unprocessed carbohydrates, and getting enough sleep and physical activity, are more likely to lead to good health and a healthful body weight than focusing on or eliminating a particular nutrient.


Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body. They are the sugars, starches, and dietary fiber that occur in plant foods and dairy products.They are mainly found in plant foods. Carbohydrates are found in a wide array of both healthy and unhealthy foods—bread, beans, milk, popcorn, potatoes, cookies, spaghetti, soft drinks, corn, and cherry pie. They also come in a variety of forms. The most common and abundant forms are sugars, fibers, and starches.

 They also occur in dairy products in the form of a milk sugar called lactose. Foods high in carbohydrates include bread, pasta, beans, potatoes, rice, and cereals.Carbohydrates play several roles in living organisms, including providing energy. Byproducts of carbohydrates are involved in the immune system, the development of disease, blood clotting, and reproduction. The body breaks carbohydrates down into glucose, which is the primary energy source for the brain and muscles. Carbohydrates are one of three macronutrients, which are nutrients that the body needs in larger amounts. The other macronutrients are protein and fats. Proteins provide 4 calories per gram, and fats provide 9 calories per gram.

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