


Peppermint is an aromatic plant, created from the blending of water mint and spearmint. It is originally from Europe, but now people cultivate it all over the world. A person can drink it as a tea, use it as an essential oil, or as take it as a herbal. It is a common flavoring agent in foods and beverages, and peppermint oil is used as a fragrance in soaps and cosmetics. Peppermint has been used for health purposes for several thousand years.

What is peppermint good for?

Today, peppermint is promoted for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), other digestive problems, the common cold, sinus infections, headaches, and other conditions. Peppermint oil is promoted for topical use (applied to the skin) for problems like headache, muscle aches, joint pain, and itching.

Peppermint oil

Peppermint oil is promoted for topical use (applied to the skin) for problems like headache, muscle aches, joint pain, and itching. In aromatherapy, peppermint oil is promoted for treating coughs and colds, reducing pain, improving mental function, and reducing stress.

Is peppermint good for your stomach?

Peppermint oil is a type of medicine called an antispasmodic. It helps relieve stomach cramps, bloating and farting (flatulence), particularly if you have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It works by helping the muscle of the bowel wall to relax.

The main difference between mint and peppermint is that peppermint has the strongest flavor when compared to other members of the mint family. Mint refers to aromatic herbs produced by the species of the mint plant (Mentha). Peppermint is one such species

Ways to use peppermint oil

Peppermint oil can be used  in a variety of ways. It can be:

  • Applied topically (on the skin)
  • Diffused in the form of essential oil
  • Ingested orally in tablet or capsule form
  • Applied intranasally (putting droplets inside the nose)

It’s important to be careful that you are not ingesting peppermint essential oil. You should always check with a doctor before consuming peppermint oil in any form or applying it topically.

Peppermint oil benefits

Records of the medicinal use of mint plants go all the way back to the times of Ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome. So, what does modern research says about the benefits of peppermint oil?

While some of the potential benefits of peppermint oil are based on personal testimony, research is ongoing into the health benefits. We’ll explore some of that research below

For skin and hair

Peppermint oil is often used in cosmetic products. But there’s a limited amount of research into the potential benefits of peppermint when applied to the skin and hair.

peppermint oil help you sleep

The menthol component of peppermint causes your muscles to relax, relieving stress and anxiety, which both add up to allowing you to gain more restful sleep.

Skin conditions

Peppermint oil is widely used for calming skin irritation and itchiness, as well as reducing redness. However, a person should always dilute it before using it on the skin. According to the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy, a good recipe is 1 Ounce (oz) of carrier oil, such as mineral or olive oil, mixed with 3–6 drops of the essential oil. Before use, test a small amount of the diluted oil on the forearm to rule out an allergic reaction. However, there is a lack of scientific evidence to support or challenge this use.

Large Doses Lead To Risk of Seizures

Studies indicate that using this essential oil in extremely large dosages are known to have grave negative impacts on the user, including muscular weakness, brain damages and seizures. If you are experiencing nausea, difficulty in breathing, slowed heartbeat, dizziness, and/or convulsions, then it could be because of using peppermint oil. Call in for medical care at the earliest to avoid complications.

Who should not use peppermint?

  • People with a specific enzyme deficiency, called G6PD deficiency, should avoid using peppermint as an extract or oil in aromatherapy. 
  • People taking certain medications. Peppermint oil aromatherapy can inhibit an enzyme called CYP3A4, which is responsible for breaking down many types of medication.
  • Peppermint oil has been used to trigger menstruation and should be avoided during pregnancy.
  • The oil, in large doses, may also lead to seizures and harm the digestive system. It is also unsafe for the lungs and pregnant and lactating women. Caution is highly advised.

Dangerous Side Effects Of Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is known for its calming effect. However, it may also cause some negative effects. The side effects of peppermint oil include rashes, headaches, dizziness, and blisters in the mouth and nostrils. It may also interact with certain medications and may exhibit toxicity if used in higher amounts. Peppermint oil should be kept away from children and infants as it may trigger breathing issues. The oil, in large doses, may also lead to seizures and harm the digestive system. It is also unsafe for the lungs and pregnant and lactating women. Caution is highly advised.Be careful with this essential oil as it may cause some serious adverse reactions. among dangerous side effect of peppermint oil

Harmful For the Digestive System

Even though peppermint oil is used to calm down a disturbed digestive system, the relaxing nature could potentially trigger indigestion and Heartburn.  Studies suggest that relaxing the sphincter muscles could probably result in the gastric acids flowing backward into the esophagus. Hence, people suffering from gastro esophageal reflux disease and hiatal hernia should be careful while using peppermint oil.

Skin May Erupt Into Rashes

Med Line Plus, a health portal run by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health, points out that people who used peppermint oil had eruptions and rashes on their skin. Hence, it is advisable to use a maximum of 0.4 milliliter peppermint a day, the dose divided into three equal parts, to avoid these skin issues.

Intense Headaches and Dizziness

This is one of the most discussed peppermint oil side effects. Various studies conducted on the potential dangers of peppermint oil report people suffering from intense headaches and dizziness after using this essential oil. This could probably arise due to the overuse of the same.

Harms Lungs

It has been reported that this oil, when used in the form of injections, could possibly harm your lungs, with the worst being a complete damage.

Unsafe For Pregnant And Lactating Women

Researchers are yet to prove the safety of this oil to be used by a woman when she is either pregnant or lactating. Studies suggest that the use of this oil, in certain cases, during the initial stages of pregnancy, could result in uterine relaxation. This, in turn, could result in miscarriage. So if you have a history of miscarriages, then please stay safe.


Peppermint is a plant that is a combination of water mint and spearmint. A person can drink it as a tea, use it as an essential oil, or as take it as a herbal medicine in the form of a capsule. Research shows peppermint can help alleviate a variety of ailments, including gastrointestinal problems, headaches, and nausea. Peppermint tea is a popular herbal tea that is naturally calorie- and caffeine-free. Some research has suggested that the oils in peppermint may have a number of other health benefits, such as fresher breath, better digestion, and reduced pain from headaches. Peppermint tea also has antibacterial properties. However, there has been little conclusive research into the specific health benefits of drinking peppermint tea. Tea made from peppermint leaves is soothing for a sore throat, cough, and cold.

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